“No surveyor shall take any position contrary to his or her own knowledge or opinion for any direct or indirect monetary gain or its equivalent.”


The following Code of Ethics has been approved by the NAMSGlobal Board of Directors and is binding on the association members.


The standards of the Ethical Conduct and Ethical Practice delineated herein are intended to guide and ensure the objectivity of the marine surveyors who are members of the National Association of Marine Surveyors, Inc., hereafter designated “surveyors” in the performance of their duties. It is recognized that the members’ competence and knowledge reflect their respective abilities and qualifications. These standards establish the guidelines and procedures that will permit a surveyor to act in an ethical and objective manner, thereby upholding the integrity of the association and its members.

Each surveyor in the performance of his or her profession stands in a position of trust in relation to the NAMSGlobal and his or her clients. NAMSGlobal holds paramount that the fundamental responsibility of each member surveyor is to provide impartial professional judgment. Each member surveyor must strive to give the highest caliber of professionalism in all dealings with clients, associates, and fellow members.

Marine Surveyor Fundamental Principles

Surveyors shall uphold and advance the integrity, honor, and dignity of the marine surveying profession by

  • Endeavoring to complement and expand the competence and prestige of the surveying profession.

  • Being truthful and objective in faithfully serving their clients, associates, and fellow Surveyors.

  • Carefully avoiding any practice that is contrary to the law or would discredit the member, the Association or the marine surveying profession, and

  • Using his or her knowledge and skills for the enhancement of the marine industry and the marine surveying profession.

Marine Surveyor Professional Conduct

These canons express the standards of professional conduct expected of NAMSGlobal members:

  • Surveyors shall perform services only in their areas of their expertise.

  • Surveyors shall build their professional reputation on the merit of the service they provide.

  • Surveyors shall continue their professional development through out their careers and shall provide opportunities for the professional development of their associates.

  • Surveyors shall disseminate professional knowledge in a truthful, objective manner for the benefit of the association and the profession.

  • Surveyors shall not be engaged so as to create conflicts of interest or appearance of a conflict of interest.

  • Surveyors shall not take any position contrary to his own knowledge or opinion for any direct or indirect gain or its equivalent.

  • Surveyors shall not perform repairs to any vessel they have surveyed.

  • Surveyors shall not accept any monetary gain dependent upon the sale of a surveyed vessel, the valuation placed on the vessel or for the referral of repair work.

  • Surveyors shall, at all times, display the highest standards of integrity and professional competence.

Marine Surveyor Disciplinary Rules

  • Any surveyor accepting membership in the National Association of Marine Surveyors agrees to abide by the association’s rules, policies, and professional Code of Ethics.

  • A Board of Investigation shall be appointed to investigate the accusation(s) whenever a Certified Marine Surveyor has been accused of unethical conduct and/or practice. The investigative body will follow the grievance procedure as detailed in the Bylaws and Guidelines.

  • The surveyor agrees to abide by the decisions of the Board of Investigation and the actions of the Board of Directors.